Though financing a semester or summer abroad can seem challenging at times, there are many financing options available for our students. If you are not planning to pay for your study abroad with personal or family funds, you should begin exploring the sources of financial aid below immediately.
We strongly encourage you to give us a call at (212) 321 0921 x1 or submit a question through your online account if you plan on using financial aid to pay for your study abroad. Our counselors have experience in helping our students secure financing and can help you decide which options might be most suitable for you.
In any case, bring a copy of the Sample Budget for the program to which you are applying with you.
If you are eligible for federal financial aid at your home institution, you can often use it for our program, depending on the policies of your home institution. We are generally willing to enter into consortium agreements with your home institution if they are needed to process financial aid.
If you anticipate needing to use federal financial aid for our program, you need to speak with your financial aid office and with us as soon as possible to ensure adequate time for administrative procedures.
Your college or university may offer its own institutional aid that can be used for external study abroad programs. Policies in this area vary widely from school to school, but it is definitely an option worth exploring with your home institution.
There are many private study abroad loan options available. Please call one of our student advisors at (212) 321 0921 x1 or email to learn more.
Private financial aid and third-party loans can be used to pay for our program. Depending on the source of the aid, it might be processed through your home institution or disbursed directly to you.
Though financing a semester or summer abroad can seem challenging at times, there are many financing options available for our students. If you are not planning to pay for your study abroad with personal or family funds, you should begin exploring the sources of financial aid below immediately.
We strongly encourage you to give us a call at (212) 321 0921 x1 or submit a question through your online account if you plan on using financial aid to pay for your study abroad. Our counselors have experience in helping our students secure financing and can help you decide which options might be most suitable for you.
In any case, bring a copy of the Sample Budget for the program to which you are applying with you.
If you are eligible for federal financial aid at your home institution, you can often use it for our program, depending on the policies of your home institution. We are generally willing to enter into consortium agreements with your home institution if they are needed to process financial aid.
If you anticipate needing to use federal financial aid for our program, you need to speak with your financial aid office and with us as soon as possible to ensure adequate time for administrative procedures.
Your college or university may offer its own institutional aid that can be used for external study abroad programs. Policies in this area vary widely from school to school, but it is definitely an option worth exploring with your home institution.
There are many private study abroad loan options available. Please call one of our student advisors at (212) 321 0921 x1 or email to learn more.
Private financial aid and third-party loans can be used to pay for our program. Depending on the source of the aid, it might be processed through your home institution or disbursed directly to you.
University of Nicosia Global Semesters offers scholarships to students who submit their program confirmation deposit early!
* If your home institution has a direct billing agreement with GS, these scholarships and discounts may not apply, or may have different deadlines. Please consult your GS advisor for more details.
Airfare to Florence
Airfare from the United States (New York) to Florence can range between $850 and $1,300, depending on the season and how far in advance the ticket was purchased. Connecting flights from other cities in the United States can add between $0 and $400 to this cost. We encourage students to finalize travel arrangements as early as possible to avoid high airfares.
Airport Pickup
UNGS will arrange to pick up students on the arrival date for the program. Students who arrive in Florence before the designated arrival date are responsible for arranging their own transportation and housing. All enrolled students will receive the pickup information prior to the start of the study abroad program.
University of Nicosia Global Semesters offers scholarships to students who submit their program confirmation deposit early!
* If your home institution has a direct billing agreement with GS, these scholarships and discounts may not apply, or may have different deadlines. Please consult your GS advisor for more details.
Airfare to Florence
Airfare from the United States (New York) to Florence can range between $850 and $1,300, depending on the season and how far in advance the ticket was purchased. Connecting flights from other cities in the United States can add between $0 and $400 to this cost. We encourage students to finalize travel arrangements as early as possible to avoid high airfares.
Airport Pickup
UNGS will arrange to pick up students on the arrival date for the program. Students who arrive in Florence before the designated arrival date are responsible for arranging their own transportation and housing. All enrolled students will receive the pickup information prior to the start of the study abroad program.